Sunday, February 19, 2012


The Upside of Being An Introvert
/Page 32-37, TIME,  February 6, 2012/
We often find the introvert-or-extrovert test as well as the blood type based characteristic test on the magazines, TV shows, web sites, and so on, which is one of unique features to Japan. Some regard the extrovert as always good,  and some with introvert aspects consider them as disadvantageous. But I don’t think the extrovert as positive or the introvert as negative, just as there are no positive or negative blood type. 

  • Does the extrovert always get benefit in the society?
    According to the article, NO. It’s true that the extrovert can make good use of cocktail party or get higher grade on the classroom activity. But they tend to underestimate the risk behind the thrill or fail to listen to the precious advice by talking over. 
  • What the advantageous points of being introvert?
    The introvert tends to be risk-conscious. They always think before act, in other words, they analyze the risk carefully before carry out. Moreover, they are very good listener and encourage people to work with their own initiatives. These features are ideal for a leader, planner, adviser, and even investor. 
  • How can the introvert get along with the society?
    But being too much introverted prevents you from engage in the society. You should not place your inborn personality over anything else. The key to fit yourself to the society is to keep balance between your personality: introverted or extroverted, your ideals: what you want to be, and society’s expectation: what the society want you to be. 
I don’t think everyone can be categorized into the introvert or the extrovert, just like me who got the 50-50 score at the quiz on the article. As the article mentioned, most of us are the ambivert who falls in the gap between the introvert and the extrovert. That means we have both of introverted and extroverted traits, and we have better to understand our own personality and  make use of it. 

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